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All the pictures are available (March 2006) also in a limited edition of copies of 30 pieces dated and signed by the author accompanied of legitimacy certificate. These copies can be bought by only 85$ plus delivery costs. You can buy these limited copies throughout our shop on line "Tienda" in "Decoración / Pintura" at our web site “” Puede adquirir a través de nuestra tienda on-line en (a partir de marzo 2006) una de las 30 copias firmadas y numeradas por solo 85 € más gasto de envío.


Born in June 29th in 1942, in Barcelona.
Domingo Alvarez is a painter which work can be found within individual collections all over the world: Cuba, Argentina, United States, Sweden, Italy, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arab, Spain ...

At age of fifteen he already started in the world of illustration painting for the most important covers of magazines and books. This, forced him to perfect his technique in drawing and pastel.
Very soon he becomes a master which works were very known and requested not only in Spain but also in all over Europe and the United States.
After 1974 he definitely start thinking about the development of the pastel technique. Domingo works in the landscape painting, feminine drawings and we, at Trenes Aguiló, recently asked him to recover his nice works on illustrations.
He always paints in natural and for steam locomotives he searched natural spaces combined with real locomotives at museums. His deep knowledge of open spaces and landscapes is reflected in each pastel pictures which is created for Trenes Aguiló in exclusive. His perceptiveness of the Mediterranean light and the strength of the materials in the railroad environment is magnificently reflected in his pastels.


Nacido el 29 de junio de 1942, in Barcelona.
Domingo Alvarez es un artista cuya obra puede encontrarse en colecciones privadas en todo el mundo: Cuba, Argentina, Estados Undios, Suecia, Italia, Kuwait, Emiratos Arabes Unidos, Arabia Saudi, España ...

Se inició a los quince años en el mundo de la ilustración, pintando las cubiertas de las más importantes revistas y libros. Esto le condujo a perfeccionar la técnica del dibujo y el pastel.
Muy pronto se convirtió en un maestro reputado cuyas obras se solicitarón, no solo en España, sino en toda Europa y más adelante en Estados Unidos.
A partir de 1974 profundizó en la técnica del pastel. Domingo ha trabajado los paisajes, las figuras femeninas y recientemente a petición de Trenes-Aguilo, ha retomado sus magnificas ilustraciones.
Domingo pinta siempre del natural y para las locomotoras de vapor recurre a la combinación de escenarios naturales y locomotoras reales de museos. Sus profundos conocimientos de los espacios abiertos y paisajes quedan reflejados en cada pastel creado en exclusiva para Trenes-Aguilo. Su reflejo de la luz mediterranea y su especial tratamiento de la dureza de los materiales ferroviarios quedan magnificamente reflejados en sus pasteles.

Avanzando en la tormenta ................. BUY IT

21.5" x 17.9" . .. 55 cm x 46 cm .... 1150 $ (955 €)


040 saliendo de Jaen................. BUY IT

17.9" x 14.8" . .. 46 cm x 38cm .... 1050 $ (880 €)


TER llegando a Madrid Atocha ............. BUY IT

21.5" x 17.9" . .. 55 cm x 46 cm .... 1150 $ (955€)